Our Commitment & Process
We only support products on which we are a certified partner and our technicians have been fully trained and accredited. This requires a considerable commitment from Unity Connected Solutions to invest in this training to receive not only our vendor credentials but to ensure the highest customer satisfaction; which is evident from the numerous customer excellence awards.
You can call or email our Network Operations Centre (NOC). They will create a ticket and queue the issue based on its severity. They will have a remote engineer review and resolve the issue. In some cases, it may require dispatching a technician to site.
You can reach our NOC by calling 905-952-2499 or 1-800-295-9565 and following the prompts. You can also contact by emailing support@unityconnected.com but we recommend only doing this for lower severity issues.
Please ask for a ticket number if you didn't receive one initially, it will be used as reference for any follow up with Unity.
Escalation Process
Support Customers
We will always endeavor to keep you informed should problems arise relating to a Service or MAC request. Any questions and/or queries regarding orders should be processed through to the NOC at 905 952-2499 or 1-800-295-9565.
Non-Unity Customers
If you are not currently a Unity customer, we can still carry out work, although it will be a lower priority than existing customers. If you are interested in working with Unity and you do not have an urgent requirement, please call Unity Sales at 1-877-736-2842.
MAC (Moves, Adds, Changes)
Should you wish to make changes or additions to your system, a MAC order will be issued by one of our MAC Desk. The MAC Representative will assist you in determining your needs and supply you with a verbal or written quote of the equipment needed and work to be performed. We will then schedule your order as quickly as possible, normally within 3 to 5 business days. (We will always do our best to provide you with an exact due date).
You can call on our dedicated toll free line but the best way to connect for MAC is via our dedicate MAC email inbox mac@unityconnected.com. MAC often requires detailed information regarding requirements:
Please note:
Services like Unity Connect include Minor MAC.
Major MACs, will require a Project Manager, and may take longer to schedule
A Note On Process
When you call in for support, we will check to determine your contract and/or warranty status. We will provide you a ticket number to help follow up on the status of your resolution. Your problem will be triaged to determine how best to resolve (many problems can be resolved remotely, but some will require a technician to be dispatched to site. If the latter, please ensure we have your updated information for site access.
For MAC, depending on the size of the MAC, it may require time to provide a detailed quote. You will be informed when contacting us. [Note: we have a set of Managed Service packages that can incorporate MAC, providing consistent, contracted MAC on a monthly fee basis.]
For new (non-Unity) customers (or those on T&M) Unity can still provide support for products which we are certified. For customers not on a current services plan or warranty, our process requires setting you up in our system and, as a result, may require credit card authorization before work is performed.
For complete information on all our post-sale support, please ask for the latest version of our Customer Information Package.